Comoda tv Silvia pentru living 160 cm
Comoda tv Silvia pentru living Dimentiune:ComodaLungime: 160 cmLatime: 29.5 cmInaltime: 48 cmRaftLungime: 120 cmLatime: 14.5 cmInaltime: 15 cmMaterieal :Pal melaminat 18 mmCuloare:Nuc AndracitPachet:Colet 1: 35 x 168 x 15 cm / 28 kg 100% MELAMINE COATED PARTICLE BOARDThickness: 18 mmTV Stand Size: Width: 160 cm Height: 48 cm Depth: 29,5 cmShelf Size: Width: 120 cm Height: 15 cm Depth: 14,5 cmNumerous ShelvesCan be Fixed to the WallAdditional Storage Number of Packages: 135 x 168 x 15 cm / 28 kg (1 Piece)